Monday, December 14, 2020

He Will Bring Us Goodness and Light

Said the year's end wind to our 2020 year,
Do you see what I see?
Pandemic, political divide, protests and pain,
Do you see what I see?
God's faithfulness to us, dancing through the months, 
with continued income, health and grateful hearts.
With a tail as big as His generosity. 
With a tail as big as His generosity.

Said our church to the future,
Do you hear what I hear?
Logging on or coming in person,
Do you hear what I hear?
A song, a song, that calls us beyond,
High above current events and current resources,
With God's voice as big as His plans.
With God's voice as big as His plans.

Said the Hochstetlers to you our friends,
Do you know what we know?
Kevin is taking online business classes-what better time
than this when we're spending more time at home?
My hosting business continues, while some usual summer 
family visits were canceled this year. We enjoyed a few 
get togethers with the families in closer distance to us. 
In March we welcomed Josh and family here. 
That month we also went to a niece's wedding in 
St. Petersburg, FL., where I enjoyed time with my 
Showalter siblings. I flew out to CA in February to escort 
Ashley and the kids, back to OH, while Austin drove 
back by car. Those three events feel like they happened 
in another era, in fact, I forgot they were part of 2020 
and have revised this post to include them. 
In November we traveled to Virginia to see
Amanda and family, and my dad (92 and going strong)
and my brother's family. We had three grand kids 
turn double digits this year, two became teenagers,
and one more joined the ranks of the other four who are
driving, and with three kindergartners, we keep celebrating
new horizons.
We try to make frequent jaunts to Kevin's parents, 
who trudge through the loneliness of their retirement home 
Each family visit seems extra special when socializing 
is a valuable commodity and not taken for granted.
We're enjoying the rhythms of partial retirement,
occasional times with friends, and family connections 
by internet and phone. Grateful beyond words.
Do you know what we know?
In these days of masks, chapped hands and distancing,
we're witnessing God's goodness in the creativity
and resourcefulness of those created in His image.
Let us bring Him precious worship.
Let us bring Him silver and gold.

Said the King to the people everywhere,
Listen to what I say,
Pray for peace, healing, unity, forgiveness
and revival; for my kingdom to come to earth.
Listen to what I say,
The child, the child,
Who came that Christmas night,
He will bring you goodness and light,
He will bring you goodness and light.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Ruth, so, so good. Was touched with the Presence of God reading it. Yes, we need His eyes to see all this from His point of view. Love you guys. What a blessing and honor having you as friends.


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