Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Words to Prayer By

Repeating God's Word in prayer has been a practice I can gladly recommend. As I've recently considered some of the prayers I've hooked my anchor onto in the last year, I wanted to share how they've  sweetened my well-being, like the chocolate pieces I reach for after dinner (and lunch and sometimes in between...😌😋); they are a sweet treat to my palate. 

Here are some of the prayers that have been tethering me: 

Prayers for our political leaders and justices:

Exodus 20:23(VOICE)- Even if the majority of people are doing evil, help them not to follow. Also, when they are called to give testimony in a dispute, help them not to let the crowd pressure them into perverting justice.

Proverbs 16:23(TLB)-Give them a wise mind with careful and persuasive speech.

Proverbs 2:8(CEB)-Guard the paths of justice [in our nation]

Psalm 94:15(NIV)- that judgment will again be founded on righteousness and all the upright in heart will follow it.

Prayer for family:

2 Thessalonians 11-12(LEB)-That each one would be considered worthy of the calling of our God and that he would fulfill every desire for goodness and work of faith with power, so the name of our Lord Jesus my be glorified in them, and you in them, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Prayers for me:

Theme verse for this year-Micah 6:8(NIV)-help me to do justly, love mercy and to walk humble with you!

When feeling a desire unfulfilled-Psalm 84:11(KJV)-Lord give me grace and glory. You say, no good thing will you withhold from them that walk uprightly.

When not seeing the results I want to see-Galatians 6:9(TLB)-Let me not get tired of doing what is right, for after awhile I will reap  a harvest of blessing if I don't get discouraged and give up.

When feeling depressed-Psalm 27:7, 11, 14(TLB) Listen to my pleading, Lord! Be merciful and send the help I need...Tell me what to do, Lord, and make it plain...Help me to be patient and wait for you, for you will come and save me! Make me brave, stouthearted, and courageous. Yes, help me wait. You will come and help me.

Psalm 103:1-5(KJV)-Bless the Lord, my soul and all that is within me(the good, difficult or whatever I'm feeling in that moment), bless his holy name...

Prayers we've been praying as a church:

Jeremiah 6:16(ERV)-This is what the Lord says. Stand at the crossroads and look. Ask about the ancient paths. Ask where the good road is. Walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.

Ephesians 5:18(KJV) filled with the Spirit. (Fill me, then wait in silence for him to speak)

Hebrews 10:23-24(NIV) let us consider how we can spur one another on toward love and good deeds.

He is never farther than a prayer away. Pray on then!

Let me know what prayers have been guiding you these past few months.