Monday, April 20, 2020

Resurrection! Joy!

Mostly taken from the gospel of John's account of the resurrection in John 20.

For the Joy Set Before Him

Gabriel nudged Michael from their perch on the huge tombstone. "He's like a child, bursting with anticipation". He chuckled. "I wonder who will be the first one to discover his surprise?", Michael responded.

Joy and excitement beamed from Jesus' face as he paced through the garden. It was far too early for any of his friends to be here. Containing his joy until they would show up was almost impossible. He danced, he felt where nails and spear had pierced him, but no emotions of shame or pain shadowed his happiness. He had done it!  The Father's plan had worked! He could now include the human race into the perfect love and forgiveness of his and his Father's heart.  Those who believed would never be separated from him.  They wouldn't have to sacrifice lambs or bulls anymore. His chosen ones would worship now in spirit and in truth. He wanted to tell them, to see their surprise when they saw him alive! Earth's time was passing way too slowly today. If only the sun would run it's race faster this morning!


Mary Magdeline walked alone towards the tomb.  She had brought the smallest lamp she had, hoping to be as inconspicuous as possible in the early morning darkness.  She felt numb and drained of feeling. Crying hadn't brought relief and tears collected into a heavy lump of anxiety in her chest, that seemed more than she could bear.  Sleep was far from reach.  Without a reasoning thought for her safety or what she would find when she arrived, she only wanted to be near him.

Mary remembered Jesus' last words to her. He had thanked her for being a friend, for her faith that kept her following him.  She had emphatically declared that her thanks to him was greater. She didn't want to think back to the days before he had touched her and commanded the evil one to go and leave her alone. Even in this cloud of grief she was comforted by this memory, and the freedom he brought to her that had not faded.

There was the tomb.  The entrance was open with the huge covering stone rolled to one side. What had she expected?  Certainly not this! No one was around. Panic burned in her throat. She could only think of getting to the disciples, to report the unsettling news.  She ran! John and Peter opened the door at her insistent knocking. Relieved to be in their presence, her breathlessness and shock sputtered out her words. "They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don't know where they have put him."

John and Peter began running towards the tomb. Mary followed, not able to keep up, but wanting to know what they would do. Both men were heading back her way when she arrived, but she could tell they did not want to speak to her. They looked confused and baffled. Initial shock was giving way to the raging river of emotions roiling inside her. Their force was released in anguished sobs.  As she stood near the tomb, her crying subsiding, curiosity overruled and demanded she look inside. Surprise again assaulted her as she saw two shining angels by the empty bed. "Why are you crying?" If it had not been for their sympathetic question, she felt sure she would have succumbed to fainting. "They have taken my Lord away, and I don't know where they have put him." She felt a presence behind her and quickly turned around. Given her fragility, everything felt threatening. A human man stood there, and he also asked why the tears and who was she looking for. He must be the gardener, she thought, he would know what had happened. In a respectful, surprisingly, calm voice, she said, "Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him." I am not thinking clearly.  As if  could get him! Fear of her past emotional bondage seized her. Would she be captured by the evil again?

Joy for You and Me!

"Mary". The way he said her name cut through her terrifying thoughts. It was the voice that called her the first time. A voice that held love and chased away demons. It was the Lord! She lifted her face to him. As the morning sunrise colorfully splattered the sky behind him, she reached for him, for the one who was her rock, her savior.  "Teacher!" She blurted his name joyfully. She had not only found him, but he wasn't dead.  He was alive! She wanted to hold on to him, to never be separated from him again. But he was gently withdrawing from her and telling her to go now and tell the disciples she saw him and that he was on the way to his Father, and her Father. It wasn't all clear to her, but she knew he was alive and her heart was whole again. She began to run.

Michael and Gabriel watched as Mary turned to go. "He chose Mary, of course. She loved him dearly and she needed him so desperately.  He knew her heart would receive him warmly and openly."
"And she would be quick to obey and deliver his message," Gabriel added. Michael high-fived his co-worker. "Let's get back to the heavenly party.  I want to see the celebration of Jesus' return." Gabriel had already lifted off, and Michael followed.


What was most meaningful in writing this is the thought of Jesus' joy and his eagerness to show himself to those who had been closest to him on earth. His joy is our joy because as he said to Mary, his Father and his God, is now our God and Father! The resurrection account in Matthew records that the women leaving the tomb after hearing the angel's words that Jesus was alive, ran to the disciples with fear and joy.  And isn't that so descriptive of us in many of our earthly trials and uncertainties?  Fear may be present, but joy is equally palpable. In these days of mitigation during the virus pandemic, we can live in the resurrected life of Christ where the fruit of the Holy Spirit is abundant. The joy of the Lord is our strength!

May this be your reality today!

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