Saturday, March 15, 2014


“Never criticize someone until you’ve walked a mile in his moccasins.” Native American Proverb

Well worn. Familiar with the path. The path that leads to the counter. I wanted to turn and leave, but you kept me planted. So I paid, took the narrow, long white sack and faced the reality of an aging body.  I decide that gratitude is the best response, as you walk me outside.

For the first time I wore your shoes, stood in the pharmacy and asked for a long-term prescription. Forgive me for ever concluding that you were unwilling to keep fit and healthy. DNA codes can't always be cracked with a longer work out or by consuming more brightly colored flavonoids.

I thought the theme for this new year would be another go around of being conformed to more divine Love and Grace. And my need for transformation in these areas will be ongoing, for a long time.  But perhaps the emphasis now is Humility. Crow has been served more than once in my menu recently, and I've noticed how attached I am to pride. Is there a shortcut to this one, Father? I know the end result will be good, but give me a heart that learns quickly.

Pride leads to judging others; may I be willing to try on shoes that are ill-fitting or uncomfortable so I can truly serve others and not stand aloof.  If I am not given their shoes to wear, may I pray as though I was walking beside them.

This verse sobers me:
Hebrews 13:3(NIV)
Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.

Teach me, Father, to pray for North Koreans, Sudanese, Syrians, Ukrainians, unidentified persecuted saints in various places, and others being  mistreated maybe even in my neighborhood. Show me what it means to remember them as if it was me experiencing what they are experiencing!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ruth! If you find the short-cut to lack of pride, please tell me ok? It is humbling to get older, and to have to accept our lack of ability. I know I used to be able to lift or push anything. Now? I don't even shovel snow anymore.

    I loved your prayer for all those in need, it reflects St. Paul's words beautifully. Help us Lord to pray for all those in prison, especially me, when I am in the prison of my own pride.
    Have a blessed Sunday!


Thanks for sharing your response!