Monday, May 9, 2011

Have You Been Dandled Lately?

Is. 66:12  For this is what the Lord says: "I will extend peace to her like a river, and the wealth of nations like a flooding stream; you will nurse and be carried on her arm and dandled on her knees".

My daughter and her family from FL recently visited us.  Baby Dominic captured my nana heart with his 5 month old sweetness.  I cuddled him close and bounced him softly in my arms or on my knee.  I could relate afresh to this Isaiah word picture.   I'm a word lover so I had to look up dandle in my Webster.  Dandle-"to move an infant up and down in the arms or on the knee; fondle".  The Isaiah phrase in the Amplified Bible reads, "carried on her hips or trotted on her knees".

Strong's Concordance associated the word dandle with taking joy and delight in something.  My daughter expressed such joy when she described the incomparable feeling she had seeing Dominic's countenance ooze delight when he saw her face, and the tenderness when he momentarily stopped nursing to just gaze at his mother and smile.

That whole magnificent exchange is captured beautifully in Isaiah's depiction of Jerusalem like a mother who nurtures and coddles; like our God's motherly comfort to his people.  May you feel the love today.  Drink deeply and snuggle close.  Linger, loiter and enjoy His delight in you today.


  1. Was not acquainted with this word. Now I have a new word in my vocabulary. Very interesting. I've read that scripture before but never noticed the word dandled. Maybe it was a different translation. There is so much interesting stuff in Isaiah. I love reading the Old Testament.
    I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day.

  2. Ruth, Thank you for these beautiful words. I love this passage.


Thanks for sharing your response!