Thursday, May 30, 2024

James Study

 I recently signed up for an online Bible Study of the book of James with Margaret Feinberg. Here are some of the highlights I want to remember.

James, the brother of Jesus, mirrors Jesus' Sermon on The Mount in what he says. I hadn't heard how they were connected before. Here are a few examples:

James: Consider it pure joy when you face trials of many kinds 
 Jesus: Rejoice and be glad (when people insult you and persecute you...)

James: Every good and perfect gift is from above coming down from the Father... 
 Jesus: much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him

James: My brothers and sisters, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water. 
 Jesus: By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles.?

James: Above not swear--by heaven or by earth or by anything else. All you need to say is a simple "Yes" or "No". Otherwise, you will be condemned. 
 Jesus: But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven...or by earth...or by Jerusalem...All you need to say is simply "Yes" or "No'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.

Margaret shared a video of five sessions for the study.

1st: How You Respond to Hardship Matters   

            Practice joy, and it will produce faith that has power to endure
            Don't give up and turn to your own desires for satisfaction
            God will give grace and wisdom --Just ask!

            "Always let his word become like poetry written and fulfilled by your life."

2nd: How You Respond to God's Word Matters

            Hear & DO! This command is the word Shema in Hebrew and means that hearing IS doing

            God has your best in mind
            This applies me!
            Receiving and responding to God's word will bring blessing to me and to others. 

        "You wake up 
            every morning, pregnant with the possibilities of God!"

            How to DO: Believe the word is for you. Act quickly on your best intentions, pray -"God what
             are you calling me to do today? Who do you want me to reach out to?

"We must create margin in our lives for this."

3rd: How We See Others Matters
            Regard everyone with dignity.

            Favoritism is a lazy way to view people because we are judging them by outward appearance
            which allows us to cling to bias.
            Favoritism reduces people to transactions. We relate to others hoping to get something from
            them. This dehumanizes them and us.        

            Favoritism dethrones God in our lives. We are on the throne showing preference or 
        Are we showing more allegiance to the wealthy or socially successful people online than to the
        everyday people in our lives? We overcome favoritism by practicing the mercy              
        shown to us. It's meant to flow through us.

*Let's get rid of anything that makes us more judgmental. Maybe they are things we're reading or seeing online that makes us less kind or merciful.
*Surround ourselves with merciful people
*Pray- who is your favorite for me today, God? I can't see who this is unless you show me.

4th: What We Say Matters

        "You are not just an image bearer, but a syllable carrier"

             My self-talk determines my negative response to others. I need God's lovingkindness to
            saturate me so that it will drip out of my life, my words.

            I will choose to reflect before I react.

            I will look for opportunities to speak life.

"As Jesus followers, we have the best assignment ever!--- 
to bring life into other's lives. 
We have the power to speak love, strength and courage."

5th: How We Live Matters

        How did we become wealthy? Luxury isn't about a price tag, but about a way of living. Do we
            buy to self-indulge? We're bombarded with the world's enticements to accumulate things. 
            Do I need to set boundaries in spending? How do I use what I have for other's and God's glory?

"We're not valued for what great quantities we consume;
 our value is in God's love and desire to give us 
every good and perfect gift from him."

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