Thursday, January 27, 2022

I Want to Hear His Voice

 I'm thinking about voices today. (Doesn't mean I'm hearing them). Everyone's voice is unique to them. That's why a mother will recognize their child calling, "mommy", even when among other moms and children. I recognize a friend's voice on the phone, because I have been with that person and I know what they sound like. Even when I read a letter or note from someone I know, I'm hearing them saying the words.

After I had left home and started college, my parents would call about once a week. I'd be summoned from my room to walk down the hall to take the call from the only phone on the whole dorm floor. The phone's receiver was usually dangling mid air on the curly cord, that was attached to its box on the wall, waiting for me to pick it up. If I stretched the cord far enough into the lounge around the corner, which was hopefully unoccupied, I'd have some degree of privacy. Somewhere in the beginning of our conversation or near the end my mother would say something like, "It's good to hear your voice." 

Today, I'm finding it easier to text a message to family or friends than to dial their phone number. But my mother's desire to hear my kid's voices can only go so long before I reach out and make the call. As I'm reflecting on this subject, I wonder how much we are losing by not hearing each other's voices more often. Texts or messages can't relay tone or gestures or body language. We've likely all experienced an assumption or misunderstanding because we read a voice rather than heard the voice.

Those of us in relationship with the triune God are seeking to know his voice better. Few hear it with our ears. So, if we can't actually hear his voice audibly, how do we recognize it? The scriptures are full of examples of what his voice sounds like: thunder, rushing water, a trumpet... It can be loud, powerful, still, small; creation speaks without a sound or word. When God compares his voice to that of the Bridegroom, his tone is tenderness. When compared to a Shepherd, it conveys care and protection. A Warrior's voice is victorious. The Holy Spirit prayers for us with unuttered groanings. When his voice spoke to Paul during a time when Paul's life was in danger, it brought comfort and encouragement. His voice speaks direction, whether to turn to the right or the left. His voice comforts, invites to come, speaks justice and judgment. The voice of the King is majestic.

In John 10, Jesus identifies himself as the good Shepherd. He says that the sheep recognize his voice and come to him. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them, and they follow him because they know his voice. How wonderful that he speaks to us, that we can know his voice. He's not a distant , silent God, but wants to communicate with us. I want to get better at listening. I talk to him, a lot. But I want to hear him more often and more clearly. 

Here's my heart Lord, 
Here's my heart, Lord,
Here's my heart, Lord.
Speak what is true.
Taken from Casting Crowns

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