Friday, December 20, 2019

A Perspective on Being Blessed

Recently, my husband and I completed the Perspectives course, which is a 16 week class of learning about God's heart for the world and his plan for missions. It was a rigorous study with assigned readings from a text which seemed as thick and deep as our bedroom mattress.

But what an eye opener to God's heart, plan and desire for the world. I'll share here some of the highlights that impressed and convicted me, specifically as they relate to God's blessing.

We started with God's call to Abraham to bless him and his descendants and then uncovered the long term reason for that blessing.  Abraham was blessed to be a blessing to all peoples. God had the whole world in  mind when he established the nation of Israel. It was his desire to glorify his name and be made famous so more would get to know him. So instead of reading of the 3 Hebrew boys who escaped the fiery furnace and of Daniel in the lion's den as just lessons of how God cares for his own, we saw how God changed a pagan king's heart to worship him and the king called his nation to honor the God who did such wonders. God's heart for nations is evident in calling Jonah to preach to Nineveh. We are more familiar with how the gospel was opened up to the Gentiles through Peter's vision and subsequent visit to Cornelius in Acts 10. Revelation gives us a glimpse into the final result of God's global purpose.

"After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that  no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.  They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice: 'Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.'"  Revelation 7:9,10

So I am blessed as a Christ follower. Blessed: a popular saying today adopted by T-shirts, jewelry and wall art. What does that mean to me? After taking this course it is even more clear that I receive Christ's blessings in order to share them with people who don't know about Christ. The course also put a different perspective on John 3:16. The Father loves the world so much that he sent his son, but  an even greater love may be that he loves the son so much that he gives him to the world. So Christ followers are given the opportunity, no the mandate, to be part of his work to bring the world back to God by his son. So blessing isn't just about me and how my life goes, but I must share the blessing by becoming Christ's servant to help fulfill his global purpose.  See what I mean about this course being convicting?

Lord Jesus, you called me to work alongside you in drawing all people to you. You always equip those in your service. I have no excuse.  I offer myself to you anew for whatever you send me to do.  Make it clear, because I am distracted by my gadgets, I am selfish in pursuing personal pleasure and I just don't feel the urgency.  Keep changing my heart to love like you love and open my eyes to see what and how you see.  May I never be the same person from one day to the next, but transform me  every day into more of your purpose and love for the world.

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