Let me share some of the happiness. ('blessed' in Strong's Concordance is defined as 'fortunate, good, happy in receiving God's favor')
Our God is Creator
All creation longs for His newness and release from this present age. I, too, can be expectant of
glories to come that far exceed my imagination. What a homecoming party that will be.
Our God is Sovereign and praise to him never ends
The praise resonates in this book from mouths bowed down in worship, from voices flying high,
from choirs singing, all declaring the greatness of his majesty. I have reason anew to
purposefully offer my praise as I take in the awesomeness that John tries to translate from vision to
Our God is pure and holy
All is undefiled and holy in his presence. The cry of holy, holy, holy never ceases. Nothing impure
will ever enter the new city. The saints dwell there, those who have been washed clean in the
blood of the Lamb and whose names appear in the book of life. If I believe in Jesus, he's purified me
and I am NOW heaven worthy. I have no reason to fear judgment, then or now. Voices from my
past have tried motivating us to better living by fear-based threats that we will still have to give
account for our sins on judgment day. This study better helped me understand the completeness of
my salvation.
There is NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, period. Our motivation to righteous
living is based on gratitude for sins forgiven and the incredible truth that we are chosen to do
good works with him, that he's custom fitted for each one of us. There won't be judgment for me;
there will be rewards!
Our God is compassionate and passionately in love with the people he's created.
As we studied the effects of devastation on the earth from seals, bowls, and trumpets of
judgment, it was interesting to note that the Almighty didn't wipe out mankind in one swipe of
wrath. Fires, injury, darkness, earthquakes come in stages and when the text says that unbelievers
"still did not repent" I know God is allowing time, not willing that any should perish. Does my heart
long for more to know him? I am deeply challenged.
Our God is right now preparing our new home, taking great delight in making a place for us filled with
surprises and goodness and beauty beyond our wildest dreams.
John was spellbound by what he saw. An angel had to remind him three times throughout the book
to write down what he was sensing. He describes a city with no night, no crying, no pain, and the
constant presence of Jesus. Do I anticipate this destination of my faith? I do more now
than when the study began! Come soon, Lord Jesus!
Our God is just.
The fate of the wicked has been decided. Each one has rejected God's wooing and
fair chances to repent. The end will come. Wickedness and those who have not believed in Jesus
will suffer the judgment of hell. The people of God will be vindicated. Martyrs of Christ and the
persecuted will be avenged. We, the saints, will never confront evil again. I struggle to imagine
this state of purity and wholeness. I am in awe.
Our God is Redeemer.
Because of Jesus, the Lamb that was slain, there is one worthy to bring this all to culmination. God
made a way for us to share divine fellowship with the trinity, forever! I have believed in Jesus, and
the good work he's begun in me he will bring to completion. My name is written in the lamb's book
of life. I'm invited to the wedding feast of Jesus and his bride. I am the bride of Christ.
May you be encouraged through these thoughts, brought to you by the book of Revelation.
Thanks for sharing your impressions of the Book of Revelation. I just finished studying the book myself - what a nice refresher!