As I've been praying almost daily for revival, a section on my prayer list for families has stirred a longing for the kind of Christian parenting that I believe God wants for his people. I'm a grandmother now, so I'm not directly training kids, but I've had thoughts about the current political debates about banning books and requiring school professionals to post their lesson series online. There are some who would even limit what teachers can teach or say in the classroom. Besides the moral aspects of this, the restriction on free speech for teachers is very concerning. The profession was already languishing because of low salaries and education requirements that are an increasing burden on teachers.
What if Christian parents would begin finding or creating curriculum to teach their kids truth and Biblical world view from home? What if they had an open relationship with their children where questions were allowed and kids knew they could discuss things they heard in school with their parents, without parents becoming angry and placing all the blame on educators? What if parents created these kinds of spaces so they could discuss with their kids, why certain books in the library are not good for them to read? What if instead of marching into school board meetings to demand a voice and a change, they would sit down and talk to teachers and hear their concerns and intentions for the kids? Doesn't the best change come when wisdom is applied?
"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure and full of quiet gentleness. Then it is peace-loving and courteous. It allows discussion and is willing to yield to others; it is full of mercy and good deeds. It is wholehearted and straightforward and sincere." James 3:17 LB
Christian parents should be setting an example of how to love others who disagree with us. Instead of being motivated by fear for their child's future or that they will be led astray from Biblical principles, or that they need to be protected from the current culture, they can be demonstrating how to defend their faith (in love) and how to prepare their children for such times as these, as God prepared Esther or Daniel in the Bible.
Randy Alcorn's blog recently confirmed some of what I've been sensing. The blog was titled: Don't Feel Sorry for or Fear for Your Kids; Raise Them up to Walk in Faith. Randy posted an article by this title written by Alex Cravens, a dad and youth pastor from Russellville, Arkansas. I'd like to pull out some quotes from that article.