Saturday, December 18, 2021

The Year in Review

Coming into an uncertain, but hopeful 2021, we were beginning to shed more of the virus' restrictions, and many planned to go back to more normal living.  Masks seemed more political than necessary. Churches encouraged in-person attendance while on-line services were here to stay. The vaccine brought new hope to many. Yet one thing we knew for certain; everything was uncertain. Except for One. His love, strength and comfort continue to fortify and foster us with defiant joy as His purposes for this world and for us his people continue.

Here's our year in review, courtesy of the Hochstetler calendar.


The first session of Jobs for Life was launched through our church's non-profit. Four students were enrolled in the 12 week course which teaches job related techniques like building resumes and the importance of character. Bible verses and stories support the lessons. Ruth was a mentor for a single mom with 3 teens who hopes to get a better job in the near future. Maria successfully graduated, and Ruth made a new friend. Kevin is hoping to get involved later in the year.


Kevin continues a six month course online in business management. We collaborated on his assignments, sitting together every night at the dining room table.

My first ever Zoom baby shower brought relatives together from PA, VA and IN.

Kevin's dad, Stanley dies on February 14. He had been in healthcare with Parkinson's, but his death was unexpected. Kevin's parents had not seen each other for a year because of the lockdown in their retirement facility. The memorial was delayed until May. 


Four vaccine appointments on this page.


Hair and doctor appointments as well as friend dates, makes life feel more normal. "Clean" is written on certain days, reminding Ruth that an Airbnb guest is arriving.


Josh's younger daughter, Elle, graduates! We flew to Tulsa for a six day vacation. Graduation attendance was limited so Nana and Papa watched the event at Josh's house online. It was fun to finally see the brewery Josh and two partners opened last year.

Amanda came for a weekend to attend her grandpa's memorial. We were thankful for a warm, spring day as the Hochstetler family gathered to honor a man who lived faithfully to his God and his family.

Ruth takes a quick trip to Ohio to surprise Rowan for her 6th birthday. 


Kevin finishes his last class with top grades! What an accomplishment after a lot of time and effort. He hopes to find a different job experience.

The Schrocks gather at the end of the month in southern IN for Doris' memorial celebration. She had died the previous year. Josh and Kira were able to come.


After two years of being apart, Jodi and family came for a visit. Ian is 13 and taller than us! Ruth spent a few days in FL before coming back with them to IN. What a fun, busy time!


Twice, a get together with Austin and family was hindered because of illness or quarantines. 

Another session of Jobs for Life begins. Ruth is helping with instruction.


Ruth meets a pen pal/ twin of 59 years in Youngstown, OH. This was only their 3rd time to be together. A youth church publication first connected them. 


Amanda pops in to celebrate Kevin's mom's 90th birthday the first of the month. Elaine is in assisted living but is mostly healthy and able to get around with her walker.

Finally, a weekend visit with Austin and his family in OH.

Two weeks later we travel to VA to visit Amanda and family and my 93-year-old dad. He lives independently-very well and happy. It was a privilege to enjoy both visits.


Josh and Kira came with their three young adult kids (we can't be that old!) for a wonderful Thanksgiving visit. We played a lot of games and ate our favorite foods. Dan and Kristina and family joined us for Thanksgiving Day. We're thankful for the one family who lives close by and our times together.


We're ending the year with plans for a small family Christmas get-together with family in town.

While life goes on more normally, much has changed and the effects from the virus still linger. Variants push up cases, restaurants remain short of staff, or closed, and empty shelves in stores remind us that we are living in a different world. While jobs seem plentiful, Kevin has not found another position yet.

 Though we don't know what the future holds, we know God is faithful and He will never stop working. What a hope we have! It's time to pray for revival and share the good news of the gospel. May God increase our love for others, our care for those who suffer and boldness to be his witnesses.