Happy Holidays!
Are you familiar with bloggers or media people who suggest you pick a one word theme for the year? Like Courage, Hope, Joy, etc.? While I made no word pronouncement on 2013, I can now look back and wrap up the last twelve months with GRACE.
G-Gift of Family
A wedding celebration took place in Tulsa, as Josh married Kira Perkins. Two more grand kids were added in the process as we welcomed aboard, Brayden (13) and Cody (18). Kira is working at Arvest Bank, while Josh continues his job with Odyssey Printing.
All of the family but Cody, made an Oct. visit to Indiana and we enjoyed playing, crafting and hanging out. Jill (12) and Elle (10) are lovely young ladies!
We took advantage of the season to frolic at a farm decked out for fall activities.
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Fun at the Farm |
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Aubrey, Rebecca and Shawn |
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Kris and Dan |
Dan switched jobs this fall and is now employed by a landscaping
company. He also volunteers with the Jefferson Fire Department. Kristina
enjoys her days at home with Rebecca (3) and does a great job managing
schedules, meals and outings with her family. Aubrey (9) , Shawn (6)
and Rebecca bring us lots of joy and fun times.
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Ian and Dominic |
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Eman and Jodi |
Florida news: Emmanuel continues with his mechanics job at BMW,
while Jodi enjoys her mothering and creative outlets at home. Their
summer visit here was packed with activities and FUN. In between visits, we keep
up with Ian (5) and Dominic (3) by Facebook and Skype.
Austin is helping foster kids who are approaching adulthood to find jobs, fill out applications, get their first apartment, etc. as a life skills coach through a non-profit agency in Valparaiso, IN. He brought us exciting news this Fall! He asked Ashley Buescher to be his wife and they plan to be married in January 2014. Welcome, Ashley, to the family!
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Austin and Ashley |
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AJ and Amanda |
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Auron and Elika |
Amanda and AJ stepped into a new adventure in the far away land of Williamsburg, VA, this Fall. Sad goodbyes sent them on their way and we wish them well. AJ secured an IT job there and they are living with AJ's parents in a large, beautiful house. We enjoyed a brief visit with them when we made a trip to VA to see my Dad this
November. Auron (6) and Elika (3) will be our new Skype buddies!
Other family news:
Thanksgiving this year meant time with my Dad and Lena and 2 of my siblings and their families in Harrisonburg, VA. Dad and Lena are healthy and happy together.
Kevin spent May-Oct. interviewing his parents and writing up their history which I was privileged to then incorporate into a photo book for them. His dad has some health issues, but they still enjoy hosting family in their villa home.
Kevin and I keep company with our jobs every week day, Tri-State Compressed Air and Goshen College, respectively. We are thankful for employment and likeable co-workers.
Harvest Community is our church family. We serve there in hospitality, library management and leading groups from time to time. Friends there are priceless.
How fun to keep up with all of you on Facebook! Our lives are enriched through you! Thank you for being a part of us.
A-applications of learning and truth
A Bible study on Genesis this year has proven very inspiring and helpful. Here's one quote from the author of the study book that encouraged me just when I needed it:
"God does not test us to make us fail but rather to see us succeed. Because faith is like a muscle and must be used to grow strong, God tests us to give us the opportunity to exercise our faith. If you are going through a test right now, consider what God might want to do in your life by allowing it. And consider the heart attitude God desires for us to have during the test: Count it all joy...(James 1:2-4). It may be hard to rejoice while being tested, but pondering the potential results should help."
Authors who have impacted me this past year have included Ken Davis, Ann Voskamp, Kay Arthur, Liz Curtis Higgs, Randy Alcorn and currently Billy Graham, as I'm reading his autobiography. World revival came through this humble, servant leader and preacher. Lord, may we be consumed with your kingdom and not focused on what we can gain from this world.
Kevin and I were privileged to attend the Peacemaker Ministries' conference in Columbus, Ohio in September. The stories of how God is healing relationships among his people and in communities around the nation was very encouraging. We came away re-energized to share the message of the Gospel of Christ's love and forgiveness.
Kevin and I still strive to become ballroom dancers. Classes are fun, but the moves keep us on our toes!
A missions trip to Costa Rica in June afforded many opportunities to face new surroundings and hard work. Short story version: we helped in the construction of a church building in a remote area of the rain forest. The women dug clay dirt, while the men pounded the dirt into the floor and built the framework. We encountered wonderful people, tropical animals, travel delay, a rain torrent and a mysterious illness. You can read the long story version here.
Growing older has its own set of challenges, but other than some minor health issues, losing eyeglasses and joints that go on strike when you ask them to work, we are grateful for blessings beyond what we deserve.
Our grandchildren bring us energy and pleasure. We celebrate many birthdays, pre-school programs, first time readers, potty training successes, creative art projects and Candy Land wins and losses.
We sold our trusty Honda and became Toyota Prius fans. The gas mileage has been impressive.
May this season of the year find you with joy in your heart, comfort in whatever is difficult and His amazing GRACE that is always constant and limitless. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Our love,
Kevin and Ruth