Tuesday, September 17, 2024

An Ode to the Pleasures of Goodness

 2 Thessalonians 1:11 TPT

...we constantly pray that our God will empower you to live worthy of all that he has invited you to experience. And we pray that by his power all the pleasures of goodness and all works inspired by faith would fill you completely. 

I pray God will empower me to live worthy of all He has invited me into. I am privileged to have been invited into a good marriage, a job I enjoy, the lives of children and grandchildren who are wonderful people-each with a unique personality and purpose of life, and into the reality of being invited into the Kingdom of God.

What gifts, what privilege! I do want to live worthy of all of that.

I also want to be empowered to be filled completely with all the pleasures of goodness and works inspired by faith.

The pleasures of goodness for me include cool early mornings sitting on our deck watching daylight make its slow, but overpowering-darkness-debut. Sometimes the sky greets the daylight, decked out with a suit of pink and orange, as though prophesying a day full of color and happiness.

I listen for the first bird to awaken and give voice to the new day. A deer steps out of the woods, cautiously, and stares at me, unsure of my presence in this quiet morning. I hear the soft whirring buzz of the hummingbird approaching the feeder. I watch his needle-like beak dive into the tiny opening to slurp the syrup inside. His wings beat so fast, that I all I see is the motion they make, like not being able to make out the blades on a spinning helicopter propeller. 

As I open my Bible the pleasures of the goodness of his wisdom and insights do fill me. The Psalm I read invites me to sing along with the worship and praise the psalmist expresses. 

I ask now, my God, that your power would fill me with works inspired by faith. I've already offered works of prayer. I look forward to the other works you've planned out for me today. My heart is full of gratitude for your abundance and generosity. 

Hail to the King! May your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it's done in heaven! 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Happy July 4th, 2024!


Our Family Gathers

The family of four arrive first,

Back doors open, out Rowan and Wes burst,

Hugs all around, then into our home,

The familiar, the new noted as they roam.

Off to the next-door park to swing and slide,

Then home again for Nana’s surprise.

Her Pinterest finds keep them busy for awhile,

She turning an ear to adult talk, meanwhile.

Games chosen that the youngest can play,

A snack and a kiss end the day.

Next day a trip to recall former days,

Mom and Dad’s college romance phase,

Driving by houses they once occupied,

This Valparaiso small town appeal hadn’t died.

Later that night, when all were asleep,

Nana and Papa picked up the next peeps.

Welcoming the Florida flyers, five in all,

Standing on tiptoe to hug the most tall.

The next two days were fun galore,

Hometown restaurants, games and more.

We lost count of visits for ice-cream stand treats,

The cousins connected never missing a beat.

A July 4th stop at Great Grandma’s small suite,

Later, tin-foil dinners and corn, oh, so sweet.

The last two family arrived that night from OK,

With dog Wriggley along for their stay.

After dark, fun fireworks in the driveway,

Then Nana projected slides that viewed sideways.

Would old, sideways slides fascinate the young grands?

Their exit before the end of the show proved, no, and not fans!

How pleasant the time spent at Chupp’s resort,

Fishing, boating and swimming-the day was too short.

The family from O left from there, deciding it was time,

Our number dwindled from 13 to nine.

Unexpected passing of a very close friend,

Time out to celebrate Del’s life, many hearts left to mend.

Sunday the clan proudly filled up one church row,

Then off to Evil Czech for brunch all in tow.

Monday included thrifting and biking,

Only Schrocks played some serious Scrabbling.

Tuesday was golfing for some,

The rest rode to Shipshe for fleamarket fun.

That last night together we played games and ate Pad Thai,

We memorized faces knowing it would soon be good-bye.

Early morning to the airport to drop off the flyers,

Later after a coffee shop chat, last hugs to the riders.

The house now stands quiet, routine is back,

I’ll drink in the peace, yet feeling the lack

Of the fun and the chatter, the hugs and the loud,

The messy and busy, the love and the crowd.

The memories will linger, the cleaning, too,

Then we’ll meet up again, can’t wait ‘til we do.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Mephibosheth 's Handicap Wasn't His Attitude!


Imagine growing up, crippled and unable to walk, all because a nursemaid dropped you as a child when you were five years old. Mephibosheth was probably raised by his mother in a very modest existence since his father, Jonathan, and grandfather, Saul, had been killed in battle. Saul had been the king and Mephibosheth would have had a promising future. But when Saul and Jonathan were killed, the rest of the family had to flee fearing a takeover of the kingdom by David, who Saul had considered his enemy. It was in this effort to escape that Mephibosheth was dropped.

There isn't much said about Mephibosheth's early years, until King David's heart of kindness and desire to honor his deceased friend, Jonathan, brings Mephibosheth into a whole new set of circumstances. We do know that M fathered a son, Mika.

As David asks whether any family of Jonathan is still around, Ziba, a servant from Saul's household tells David about M. Ziba brings M to David, not knowing why he was being summoned. David declares that for the sake of showing kindness to Jonathan, M will now receive everything that belonged to Saul and his family, and M will eat at his table. Ziba and his sons and servants were to farm the land which would provide for M. There's a parenthetical comment in the text that says Ziba had 15 sons and 20 servants. I wonder whether this was giving Ziba and his household a lower ranking. Had they just assumed Saul's property was their inheritance and now it was given to Saul's crippled grandson? All the members of Ziba's household were now servants of M, and M lived in the capitol city, eating at the king's table like one of his sons.

This story has always impressed me. David's kindness to a crippled man changed his whole life! 

 I reference this story in another blog post I wrote earlier. I include a link in that post to a song by Leeland entitled, Carried to the Table. A very beautiful expression of this story.


In my reading in 2 Samuel today, Ziba and Mephibosheth are mentioned again. When David flees from Jerusalem because his son Absolom is staging a coup, Ziba meets him with donkeys and supplies for David's fighting men. David asks about M and Ziba lies, saying M stayed behind because he thought Saul's Kingdom would now be restored to him. David then declares that all that belonged to M would now be Ziba's. Ziba appears to humbly accept this transfer. I think Ziba took advantage of the situation to get back what he had before David favored M.

But the story doesn't end there.

As David returns from the war and the whole kingdom is now his, Ziba, his sons and servants show up to let David know they will serve his household and do whatever he wishes. Mephibosheth somehow gets there also, very unkempt, as he probably had no one to tend to him during the time he stayed behind. David asks why he had not come earlier to join David.
M shares truthfully that Ziba had betrayed him, but he would not make any appeals to the king. M said, "All my relatives and I could expect only death from you, my lord, but instead you have honored me by allowing me to eat at your own table! What more can I ask?”
“You’ve said enough,” David replied. “I’ve decided that you and Ziba will divide your land equally between you.”

“Give him all of it,” Mephibosheth said. “I am content just to have you safely back again, my lord the king!”

What a humble man of honor! He had feasted at the king's table, staying in gratitude and not entitlement, and when he was betrayed by Ziba, David's kindness was enough. He was willing to give up everything to have his king safely back again. Out of contentment and gratitude he chose forgiveness over gaining possessions and harboring bitterness.

Mephibosheth's attitude is in sharp contrast to the world's thinking and reactions today. We are children of the King of kings, sitting at his table, and our inheritance is rich and sure in Jesus. Should we respond in anger when things of this world are taken from us, or our rights are violated? M was content to be loved by the king and his allegiance was unwavering.

Lord, may my heart be always full of gratitude for all you've done for me and for all you've given me. Don't let me be pulled away into bitterness and greed for what's mine, because someone mistreats me or betrays me.

May my contentment in having you as Lord, Savior, Friend, and Generous Giver of every good and perfect gift always be enough.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

James Study

 I recently signed up for an online Bible Study of the book of James with Margaret Feinberg. Here are some of the highlights I want to remember.

James, the brother of Jesus, mirrors Jesus' Sermon on The Mount in what he says. I hadn't heard how they were connected before. Here are a few examples:

James: Consider it pure joy when you face trials of many kinds 
 Jesus: Rejoice and be glad (when people insult you and persecute you...)

James: Every good and perfect gift is from above coming down from the Father... 
 Jesus: ...how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him

James: My brothers and sisters, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water. 
 Jesus: By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles.?

James: Above all...do not swear--by heaven or by earth or by anything else. All you need to say is a simple "Yes" or "No". Otherwise, you will be condemned. 
 Jesus: But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven...or by earth...or by Jerusalem...All you need to say is simply "Yes" or "No'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.

Margaret shared a video of five sessions for the study.

1st: How You Respond to Hardship Matters   

            Practice joy, and it will produce faith that has power to endure
            Don't give up and turn to your own desires for satisfaction
            God will give grace and wisdom --Just ask!

            "Always let his word become like poetry written and fulfilled by your life."

2nd: How You Respond to God's Word Matters

            Hear & DO! This command is the word Shema in Hebrew and means that hearing IS doing

            God has your best in mind
            This applies me!
            Receiving and responding to God's word will bring blessing to me and to others. 

        "You wake up 
            every morning, pregnant with the possibilities of God!"

            How to DO: Believe the word is for you. Act quickly on your best intentions, pray -"God what
             are you calling me to do today? Who do you want me to reach out to?

"We must create margin in our lives for this."

3rd: How We See Others Matters
            Regard everyone with dignity.

            Favoritism is a lazy way to view people because we are judging them by outward appearance
            which allows us to cling to bias.
            Favoritism reduces people to transactions. We relate to others hoping to get something from
            them. This dehumanizes them and us.        

            Favoritism dethrones God in our lives. We are on the throne showing preference or 
        Are we showing more allegiance to the wealthy or socially successful people online than to the
        everyday people in our lives? We overcome favoritism by practicing the mercy              
        shown to us. It's meant to flow through us.

*Let's get rid of anything that makes us more judgmental. Maybe they are things we're reading or seeing online that makes us less kind or merciful.
*Surround ourselves with merciful people
*Pray- who is your favorite for me today, God? I can't see who this is unless you show me.

4th: What We Say Matters

        "You are not just an image bearer, but a syllable carrier"

             My self-talk determines my negative response to others. I need God's lovingkindness to
            saturate me so that it will drip out of my life, my words.

            I will choose to reflect before I react.

            I will look for opportunities to speak life.

"As Jesus followers, we have the best assignment ever!--- 
to bring life into other's lives. 
We have the power to speak love, strength and courage."

5th: How We Live Matters

        How did we become wealthy? Luxury isn't about a price tag, but about a way of living. Do we
            buy to self-indulge? We're bombarded with the world's enticements to accumulate things. 
            Do I need to set boundaries in spending? How do I use what I have for other's and God's glory?

"We're not valued for what great quantities we consume;
 our value is in God's love and desire to give us 
every good and perfect gift from him."

Friday, February 16, 2024

Walking in Faith to the Miracle

 "Please come and heal my boy!" (Gentile government official)

"Do you have to see a miracle before you believe?" (Jesus)

"Please, please, I'm desperate. He is about to die." (official)

"Go back home. Your son will live." (Jesus)

(John 4:43-54, paraphrased)

The man believes Jesus and starts back home. I wonder if his thoughts were mostly hopeful or mixed with doubt the farther he walked. He received Jesus' word and acted on faith. He was willing to believe before he saw the miracle. How long was he in between the word of faith and hearing that his son was healed? When he discovers the boy was healed the exact time Jesus spoke the word, his faith is rewarded, he and his whole household believe in Jesus.

Will we act towards faith when the Holy Spirit gives a promise? How will we respond in between the promise and seeing the results? Will we keep walking when the way seems long? Maybe we'll even forget about what was promised. We have other things to turn to for help.

The story of the man who falls off a cliff comes to mind. On the way down he grabs a branch and hangs on. He cries for help and God's voice says, "Let go." He considers the instruction for awhile. Finally, he says, "Is there anyone else up there?"

Are we placing all our trust in God? Do we find his instruction too scary, too difficult, too unreasonable as we wait for the answer? Is there an action I need to do to "walk towards faith"; towards the promise?

How are we responding to these words of Jesus? 

You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. (John 14:14)

This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. (1 John 5:14)

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. (Matthew 7:7)

Lord, increase my faith. I want to believe you as the ruler did who believed before he saw the miracle.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Be My Witness!

 January is a time for reflection, not to the past, but to the future. Our church calls us to a 21 day of prayer and fasting. This year the theme and emphasis is-BE MY WITNESS.

We're daily asking the Holy Spirit to show us areas we need to surrender to him. As he fills us with power we can obey the commission to go make disciples. It's exciting to think about what God has in store for a people who are committed to seeking him for more passion to share Jesus with those who don't follow him. I was reading through some of my pervious blog posts tonight and found one that retold a story about an experience Lee Strobel had shared at some point. I'm using it again because it fits so well with our theme this month.

Lee Strobel (a pretty prominent Christian apologist) came and talked to us a couple of weeks ago and told a story about how, a couple of years ago, he was wanting to share his faith with a co worker that he had known for a long time.  He knew the guy was an atheist but he really felt like God was telling him to go invite this guy to church on Easter Sunday.  So Lee walks over to this guy's cubicle and asks him to church.  Of course the guy was like why would I want to go to church?  So Lee starts laying out a few things about Christ and the reasons for believing, but this guy is resolute in that he is not coming to church.  So Lee walked away from that meeting like, great God, that was awesome.  Why'd you have me do that?  Lee said, "That guy is still an Atheist to this day and he never did come to church.  So a little while ago, I had finished preaching and I had a man come up to me that I had never met.  The man said, I just wanted to share my story with you, a couple of years ago, I lost my job.  I was having a really rough time and was trying to find work wherever I could.  I didn't know God and was just trying to make it on my own.  I was hired by a local business to do a random tiling job that had come up.  The owner was taking pity on me and you don't know this but I was tiling in an office and was stuck down behind a cubicle when you came up and started talking to a guy about coming to Easter Service at your church.  I heard what you said and I called my wife right then and said honey we've got to go to this church!"  Lee called that ricochet faith and I think that even if we aren't technically evangelizing, whatever interactions we are having with people, if we are being mindful of our faith and trying to share God even in just being friendly, God uses our interactions regardless of the responses we get."

BE encouraged. Our God is full of surprises. I want his love to guide me. I want to stay open and listening for his direction.  

"Lord make me aware of who you are setting me up for. May I see everyone I meet as a beautiful person made in your image."

Friday, December 8, 2023


"His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. 
1 Peter 1:3-4

I awoke this morning considering these verses. I live in this reality! I am participating in his divine nature, and I've escaped the corruption in the world. I still am effected by the corruption, just by being here, but I can choose to allow the Holy Spirit to give me God's desires and live in divine glory and goodness. How awesome is that!

When I consider my daily life and habits, my emotions on any given day, my responsibilities that might seem overwhelming at times and the sorrow of others around me, I count on God's promises being true and giving me all I need to live a godly, purposeful, and peace filled life. For instance:

- I feel alone: I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS

-I've messed up, let someone down or forgotten something: EVERYTHING WORKS TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THOSE WHO LOVE GOD

-I've been unkind or complacent or rebellious: IF I CONFESS MY SIN, HE IS FAITHFUL AND JUST TO FORGIVE AND CLEANSE ME

-I'm worried or keep obsessing about something I've done or didn't do, or need to do, and if I give it all to Jesus and ask him for help, HIS PEACE WILL KEEP CONSTANT GUARD OVER MY HEART AND MIND

-I feel neglected or uncared for: HE CARES FOR ME

-I don't have something I feel I really need or long for: THE LORD BESTOWS FAVOR AND HONOR, NO GOOD THING WILL HE KEEP FROM ME

-When I wish my circumstances were different or it seems others have more freedom and opportunity than I do: YOUR BOUNDARY LINES HAVE FALLEN FOR ME IN PLEASANT PLACES; I HAVE A DELIGHTFUL INHERITANCE

-When I wonder what the future holds, and I'm past the prime years of life: I HAVE GOOD PLANS FOR YOU, TO GIVE YOU A FUTURE AND HOPE


-I wake up feeling blah and insignificant: MY MERCIES ARE NEW EVERY MORNING

-I'm tired and have too much to do: JUST COME, I WILL GIVE YOU REST



I could probably spend all day and not be able to list all the ways God's promises make me aware that I have access to a divine realm where his Glory and Goodness are constant companions. I am living his abundant life, an incredible gift!

Jesus, I love you. Thank you for coming to earth and making all this possible. I am thankful I can live with you always. I celebrate your advent now at Christmas and look forward to when you come again.